
I have internship experience working with Vanderbilt University Medical Center Reasearching with Dr. Zhijun Yin. We Worked with scikit-learn in python to construct a neural network which was able to process online forum posts in search for useful information to inform doctors about at-home care for Dementia/Alzheimer's patients.

I also worked with Dr. Arsioa Randrianasolo on his project of constructing an machine learning agent whcih would be able to predict with increasing accuracy the victor of a sports tournament with the limited input size of only the data from the season leading up to said tournament.

Some experiences from College which were meaningful to me:

  • The best example of a full-stack project which I have done is at cubert.net.
  • I worked with c++ to construct a plugin for OBS Studio which does real-time scene switching based on audio-levels, with the goal of in the future using machine learning to mimic human-like authentic scene switching.
  • I constructed a compiler in C, as well as using Lex and Yacc, for compiling a language my professor created into a modified version of Stack Assembly Language.
  • I worked with Python to create various machine learning agents, such as Q-learning, Reinforcement Learning, Reflex agents, and Nerual Networks.
  • I worked in a team on a full stack application for another college to use, which used exposed me to using Vue.js, Docker, and other Full-stack tools.
  • I modified an operating system using C, and learned about how an operating system handles processes, scheduling, and various other behind the scenes tasks.
  • I worked with MySQL in our database class which taught me about how to create databases, useful visual diagrams about databases, as well as how to construct queries for specific needed information.



  • Python
  • C/C++
  • Java
  • Haskell
  • Javascript


  • Pandas
  • numpy
  • OpenCV
  • Vue.js
  • Node.js
  • Angular.js

I am currently looking for a job so feel free to reach out to me.